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Univel d.o.o. Tel: + 385 (1) 3633 285 Našička 6, 10 110 Zagreb


UNI-Geräte is a manufacturer of more than 2,500 different types of solenoid and electro-pneumatic valves, as well as volume control butterfly valves, control gate valves and adjusting fittings.

Their specialty are tailor-made special valves for your individual requirements and for all applications which cannot be covered by standard solutions.

UNI-Geräte valves have been used all over the world for more than six decades. All of them highly specialized – for burners, ovens, boilers or power plants and for media like gas, oil, air, water, molasses, fat and lime milk.

  • Solenoid valves, available in thread (Rp 1/4 – Rp 2) and flange design (DN15 – DN200). For different temperatures, gases and pressure ranges – from only few millibar up to 40 bar.

  • Their pneumatic valves have especially been developed for large nominal sizes and high pressure ranges.

  • Their pneumatic valves have especially been developed for large nominal sizes and high pressure ranges.

All solenoid and electro-pneumatic valves are also available for Ex-Zone.

  • On the bottom of the page you can find product range brochure with short product description.
  • All other documents (technical information, instructions, brochures, pictures, and more) for all products can be found on official web page www.uni-geraete.de.

Elster Kromschröder Docuthek

Here you can find all the available documentation for all products Elster Group.
Read more | www.docuthek.com

Kromschröder Systems Technology

Website for designers and users of gas systems.
Read more | www.system-technik.info

Official pages: