LBE belongs to the Elster GmbH. It is manufacturer of burners for different thermal applications and different type of fuels in a capacity range of 10 kW up to 75 MW.

The specialist for multifuel and self recuperative burner in the Elster Group.
Product range:
Self recuperative burner ECOMAX

- Self recuperative burner ECOMAX utilize the heat of the flue gas to preheat the combustion air.
- Depending on the burner model and the operation mode a significant reduction of energy consumption can be realized.
- Available in seven sizes with a capacity range of 10 – 500 kW.
Ceramic radiant tube SER-C

- Ceramic single-ended radiant tube SER-C (SER = Single ended radiant tube) is used in conjunction with a recuperative burner for indirect heating in heat treatment processes where the combustion gases must be separated from the product.
- A flame tube must be fitted inside the ceramic radiant tube SER-C to guide the hot flue gases.
SICAFLEX segmented flame tube

- For guiding the hot flue gases inside the radiant tube.
- Practically unlimited lifetime due to high temperature resistant ceramic material SiSiC
Multifuel burner

- LBE supplies Single-, Dual- and Multifuel Burner for different applications and types of fuel including pulverized as one of the fuels.
- For applications such as: asphalt dryer, hot air generators, boiler, lime kilns (annular shaft kilns), melting furnaces.
- Available in a capacity range of 3 – 100 MW.
- On the bottom of the page you can find product range brochure with short product description.
- All other documents (technical information, instructions, brochures, pictures, 2D and 3D models, and more) for all products can be found on our on-line Docuthek or official web page
Elster Kromschröder Docuthek

Here you can find all the available documentation for all products Elster Group.
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Kromschröder Systems Technology

Website for designers and users of gas systems.
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