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Gas utilization in commercial kitchens, laboratorys and teaching rooms

Gas utilization in commercial kitchens, laboratory rooms, teaching rooms and technical work rooms must be in strict accordance with all currently existing laws and standards. Things in common for all these applications are vast amount of gas taps in one room, and more than one person operating on them (cooks, students, teachers,...) at the same time.

Having that in mind, Elster-Kromschröder offers the complete gas safety equipment for commercial kitchens, laboratory and teaching rooms, which fully comply with all current laws and standards. And all that in a very compact design and easy to operate.

Gas ramp for large kitchens

All additional information, like difference between small and big kitchens, standards which apply to gas utilization in these applications, drawings of installations, and list of all needed equipment, can be found in our catalogue.

You can download catalogue in pdf format on the bottom of this page.

Elster Kromschröder Docuthek

Here you can find all the available documentation for all products Elster Group.
Read more | www.docuthek.com

Kromschröder Systems Technology

Website for designers and users of gas systems.
Read more | www.system-technik.info

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